AIAM5 is a nonprofit collaboration forum which gather world-wide freely acceded gathering national associations promoting consumption of fruit and vegetables, such as “5 a day” associations. The objective of this statement of principles is to establish the main lines with which the fruit and vegetable consumption promotion strategies of the AIAM5 members should be aligned.
LEGAL PROTECTION: although the entities which form AIAM5 have different legal natures, they would have to:
- Configure an nonprofit Organization at national level, with its own legal status such as civil association, foundation corporation and having as main objective the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption. The members of the organization, named or not “5aday”, must be sensitive to health, education, food security and productive agricultural economy, training and empowering people, etc. Could count on the participation of producers, distributors and traders of public and central national markets, food industries committed to promoting healthy eating habits, as well as importers and exporters of fruits and vegetables, all of them preferably through organizations already established, as well as departments of agriculture, health and education and scientific societies in the field of health, education and agriculture. They are also important, partners like family and consumer groups, preferably already organized and any entity seeking the strengthening that the population acquires healthy habits and lifestyles.
- A Logo legally registered which accompanies the actions developed in the program in order to help people to identify them as part of a national program. Most AIAM5 partners have opted for a central image representing a hand, indicating the minimum number of daily servings of fruit and vegetables “5aday”. In some countries there are several words with the same meaning for “vegetable”, but AIAM5 will use “Fruits and Vegetables” for purposes of presentation and communication in any language. However, this statement of principles has a glossary of terms that records the meanings of terms such as vegetables, portion, serving, ration, nectar or juice, among others.
AUTONOMY. Each country is autonomous to adapt the “5aday”program, understood as a national strategy to promote fruit and vegetable consumption according to their cultural identity, actual production, consumption habits and food availability. The Alliance will make a compilation of information, knowledge, best practices, adapted lessons and promotional materials that could be replicated or adapted to the particularities of each country. The exchange seeks to strengthen the campaign to prevent noncommunicable diseases through adequate intake of fruits and vegetables and regular physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.
TERRITORIALITY. AIAM5 members should have a strategy to promote fruit and vegetable consumption through campaigns, programs and actions in the framework of a national program preferably called “5 a day”. If there are other regional organizations aligned with these goals, they would seek the synergies necessary to join forces. Within its territory, the program seeks the widest possible dissemination, may interact with other promotional strategies in their territory and with programs of other member countries.
SCIENTIFIC BASIS. The actions focused on “More fruits and vegetables, the best choice for your health” the motto of the Alliance of AIAM5, should be considered as a global priority and be part of public policies for health promotion and the prevention and containing of obesity, chronic non-communicable diseases and others diet related diseases. The “5aday” programs take the name from the minimum number of servings of fruit and vegetables recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) for maintaining a balanced and healthy diet. This recommendation is based on portions, and may have been adapted by national health authorities to the country’s own health strategy. If so, that will be the message primarily transmitted by the organization in national strategies. The support of scientific societies in the field of health as dietitians (nutritionists), cardiology, cancer, obesity, physical activity, etc. could be key allies to unify the message and improve their health impact. It is recommended that “5aday” associations or movements have a scientific committee to advise the organization in communication actions to ensure that the information or materials generated, are based on scientific evidence available at that time. Also it is recommended to adapt the term “portion” taking into account the common serving sizes of each country and considering other parameters such as nutritional equivalence, media calibers available in the markets, national consumer surveys, etc. The “5aday” movement nationwide will share this information with public and private agencies in order to improve the welfare of the population.
COMMITMENT: “5aday” programs in addition to their basic purpose of communication and information, promote awareness and public participation such as awareness and activism of society as a whole. In particular it seeks to train multipliers in healthy eating messages and quality of life, to apply it into their immediate environment or in its scope such as parents, friends, co-workers, educators, youth, etc. In addition, programs should seek the commitment of the productive and commercial sector and entire value chain of fruit and vegetables, so that the increase in demand is accompanied by effective availability and affordability of fruits and vegetables in the consumer environment. Moreover it should promote the commitment and support of the public authorities and especially those who develop agricultural, education and health policies. Similarly, associations must make commitments to promote the production of fruits and vegetables in a sustainable and environmentally friendly, especially regarding the use of good agricultural practices and rational use of water.
COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING: Any “5aday” program should develop attractive approachable and friendly materials, information and communication as well as training materials and trainings suited to each segment of the population. For this purpose it is interesting to have the cooperation and advice of experts in communications and marketing including educators, teachers and professionals in the field of community nutrition and public health.
NEUTRALITY: “5aday” programs should avoid conflicts of interest related to unilateral sponsorships of trademarks or companies. Campaigns funded or supported by certain individual companies could have the image of the national program on materials and multimedia supports. The national organization could provide services or may maintain business relationships with companies, ensuring the proper use of its image and valuing each share, in order to be sure that is aligned with the statement of principles of the AIAM5 Alliance. The AIAM5’s logo can be used solely and exclusively on institutional relations of the partners and not for commercial use.
LIMITS: “5aday” programs primarily promote the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables as understood in the national context. However this recommendation must be adapted to the cultural, the consumption and health situation of each country, being able to determine nutritional profiles for different categories of processed fruits and vegetables. These profiles would be primarily based on the minimum content of fruits and vegetables or fiber per serving, and the presence or maximum content of energy, salt, added sugars, total fat and saturated and trans fats. These limits may be established within the framework of a scientific committee AIAM5 in which members of national scientific committees could participate.
NAMED: The programs can take the name that best suits their cultural, health and consumer situation and will not necessarily be called “5aday”, however the program must be supported on the basis of “5aday” as recommended minimum daily intake of fruit and vegetables marked by WHO-FAO.
UNIVERSALITY: AIAM5 partner organizations are grouped in order to share experiences and collaborate with national programs to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables, all from the mutual recognition and legal protection. Also focus their efforts on promoting and facilitating collaboration among global organizations with a view to support, sustain, protect, enhance and create, if necessary, national movement to encourage consumption of fruits and vegetables.