Membership in the Global Alliance to Promote Fruit and Vegetable Consumption “5 a Day” (AIAM5) allows organizations to share their experiences, engage in conversation and draw on the best practices of like-minded groups around the world. Whether initiating or strengthening fruit and vegetable promotion and outreach programs within their own countries, AIAM5 members have access valuable resources including:
- the latest scientific findings
- current resources on communication, strategy and policy on increasing fruit and vegetable consumption
- support from peers from around the globe
Who can join AIAM5?
Global Alliance to Promote Fruit and Vegetable Consumption “5 a Day” members are organizations that are actively involved in the non-commercial marketing and promotion of vegetables and fruit with a “5-a-day” type of outreach program operating at a national or multi-national level.
Membership Types
Full Members
National Associations named or not “5 a day” registered as Legal Entities in their corresponding sovereign countries, as well others with the aim of Promote the Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables, may be full members.
Only one fully-fledged member per country will be accepted, and this one will represent all the actions aimed at the promotion of fruit and vegetables at a national level and its actions will be aligned in the same direction as those of the Alliance.
All Fully-fledged members must own their own identifying image, and this must be registered and protected under the corresponding national and international legal framework.
Observer Members
Observer members are any national organization that is in the development phase of promotion of vegetables and fruit with a 5 A Day type approach with the intent of operating at a national or multi-national level or working with and supporting an existing program at a national or multi-national level. Observer members cannot vote, but are entitled to participate in AIAM5 activities.
As well any international public or private entities legally established, which carry out directly or indirectly actions related to the promotion of the consumption of fruit and vegetables and share the same objectives of the International Alliance, especially in what refers to the promotion of fresh fruit and vegetables and manufactured under the control of level of processed, calories, saturated fats, and added sugar and sodium/salt, may be members.
Join Global Alliance to Promote Fruit and Vegetable Consumption “5 a Day”
To join AIAM5″, download and complete the Membership Application Form and submit to the Board of Directors for review and approval (aiam5(at)
The duration of the accession of members will be “sine die”. For the deregistration of AIAM5 by any partner, just that the legal representative or the person delegated by the Association, lead a formal letter to the Secretariat to communicate its removal as a partner. The deregistration, only will be done by the request of the own member, or by unanimous decision of the other members of the Alliance.
Member Benefits
AIAM5 Support national initiatives, promote efficiencies, facilitate collaboration on shared aims and provide global leadership in:
- Support, sustain, protect, enhance and create programs such as “5 a day”.
- Increase consumption of fruit and vegetables in world population within the framework of a healthy diet.
- Bring together national entities promoting fruit and vegetable consumption.
- Promote and value the biodiversity, sustainable systems, environmentally friendly for production and distribution.
AIAM5 offers its members a broad range of resources designed to support and expand 5 a Day-type programs, including:
- An active, informative federation website
- A short annual report including 5 a Day-type program activity highlights from around the world
- Globla Fruit and Vegg Newsletter with content developed by international subject matter experts to support the importance of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet
- Communications support from peers from around the globe
- Development of papers providing expert opinion on related issues of interest: what food forms count as a fruit or vegetable, what constitutes a serving size, and organics/pesticide safety.