The Alliance is headquartered in the country that organizes the International Congress, held with a maximum frequency of two years.
México, has the current Presidency and Poland the Secretariat. Spain is in charge of the coordination and the Deputy Secretary is carried on by Colombia.
There are virtual meetings periodically and one General Meeting in the framework of the AIAM5 Conference.
Gather New Partners
The objective is to build a Global Network that gathers the largest number of countries in promoting consumption of fruit and vegetables. During General Assembly held in Merida-Mexico in November 2015, a roadmap was approved, in which one of its working groups is committed to getting new contacts and accessions. The accession of countries from all continents is planned.
World F&V Day
In 2012, in Cali, Colombia, AIAM5 agreed to celebrate every year the World Day of Fruit and Vegetables, the fifth day of the week in which FAO celebrates worldwide the World Food Day (October 16th) to commemorate the importance of eating fruit and vegetables for human development, as a key role in the biodiversity and sustainability of our planet, increase the consumption and production of fruit and vegetables to prevent and control NCDs and improve the global food security.
The final aspiration is to adopt a national commitment to ask FAO to recognise the World Day of F&V. This goal has been already reached by Costa Rica, Chile and El Salvador.
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee AIAM5 is an Adviser Body of the actions undertaken by the Alliance, in human nutrition, food and dietetic issues in the context of health protection and promotion. Its composition depends on the number of AIAM5 full members (one member by country), trying to cover different areas of knowledge.
AIAM5 Awards.
5 a day Mexico launched this initiative at the General Meeting held in Budapest 2013, with the objective to sharing successful experiences in the promoting of the consumption of fruit and vegetables and generating news in mass media. Every country can submit its promotional programme such as 5 a day programs.
Awards were delivered for the first time during the XI Congress of AIAM5 held in Merida – Yucatan – Mexico in November 2015. The first prize went to Costa Rica, the second to Canada and third to Portugal.
In the General Assembly held in Mexico, the 26 partners approved the implementation of a roadmap towards a Global Alliance to achieve the following objectives:
- Support and influence national governments and international organizations.
- Improve food and nutrition security of the population.
- Help other countries to establish national institutions for the promotion of fruit and vegetables consumption.
- Develop and disseminate scientific evidence on the role of fruit and vegetables and health.
- Improve access to fruit and vegetables and increase their consumption throughout the population.
- Recruit new members that strengthen the Alliance.
- Positioning AIAM5 as a world reference in promoting fruit and vegetable consumption.
To achieve these goals, four working group have been created focused on:
- Having the ability to influence.
- Improving communication within and outside the Alliance.
- Grouped the largest number of active, solid and stable allies.
- Ensure that AIAM5 meets the expectations of all its partners.