Food loss in Sweden
The report presents follow-up methods on a national level, focusing primarily on food losses, but may also include food waste, in the early stages of the food chain. The methods will be used to gain increased knowledge so that stakeholders throughout the entire food chain can contribute to measures and initiatives to ensure that more from the food production goes on to become food. They will also be used to follow-up goals and targets for reducing food loss within the Swedish environmental objectives system and the Agenda 2030. The report has been produced within the scope of the Swedish governmental assignment and associated strategy for reducing food loss and waste, in which setting a national target for food loss and waste reduction and the development of follow-up methods, are a crucial part. An important element in the development of the methods has been the dialogue with farmer- and industry representatives and with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Statistics Sweden (SCB), the Swedish Food Agency, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Research Institutes of Sweden.
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