Global Alliance to Promote Fruit and Vegetable Consumption "5 a Day"

La Alianza Global para la Promoción del Consumo de Frutas y Hortalizas 5 al día -AIAM5 celebra el próximo 14 de octubre la 10ª edición del Día Mundial de las Frutas y Verduras, con el objetivo de dar continuidad al Año Internacional de las Frutas y Verduras que se celebró durante el año 2021. AIAM5, ha desarrollado una nota conceptual para facilitar a sus miembros iniciar consultas con sus gobiernos para proponer a FAO que presente en la Asamblea de Naciones Unidas una propuesta para reconocer el Día Mundial de las Frutas y Verduras como una acción estratégica para dar continuidad al Año Internacional de las Frutas y Verduras 2021, consolidar las acciones realizadas y facilitar el desarrollo de otras en concordancia con el plan estratégico trazado por el Comité Directivo Internacional para el Año Internacional de las Frutas y Verduras.

En este año 2022 en el que el Día Mundial de la Alimentación dedica su lema a “No dejar NADIE atrás”, AIAM5 pone el acento en que las frutas y verduras son alimentos esenciales alcanzar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición de las personas. La consulta exploratoria lanzada por la Alianza en 2020, puso en evidencia que solo 2 países de los 18 países que reportaron datos de consumo alcanzarían el consumo mínimo diario de 400 gramos por persona y día, o al menos 5 raciones diarias entre frutas y verduras.

La declaración institucional de un DMFV contribuiría, además de dar continuidad al AIFV, a:

  • Aumentar la concienciación sobre los beneficios del consumo de frutas y verduras para la salud de las personas.
  • Promover el papel del sector de las frutas y hortalizas en la resiliencia y sostenibilidad de los sistemas alimentarios.
  • Contribuir al aumento de la alfabetización alimentaria de la población mundial.
  • Promover patrones alimentarios y estilos de vida más saludables y sostenibles.
  • Reducir las pérdidas y desperdicios de frutas y hortalizas.
  • Poner en valor el papel de las frutas y hortalizas como indicador para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
  • Promover políticas orientadas a la solución de los problemas de producción mundial de frutas y hortalizas para cubrir las necesidades globales.

Accede aquí a la Nota Conceptual del Día Mundial de las Frutas y Verduras




#DMFV2022 #WFVD2022 #NADIEsinFV #NOONEwithoutFV #FVparaTodos #FVforAll

Toda la información sobre esta edición del Día Mundial de las Frutas y Verduras 2022 aquí:


AIAM5 Global Alliance for the Promotion of Fruits and Vegetables the Consumption 5 a day celebrates the 10th edition of the World Day of Fruits and Vegetables on October 14th, with the aim of providing continuity to the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables that was on 2021. AIAM5 has developed a concept note to facilitate its members to initiate consultations with their governments to propose FAO initiate a roadmap to present a proposal to the United Nations Assembly to recognize the World Fruit and Vegetable Day as a strategic action to give continuity to the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021, consolidate the actions carried out and facilitate the development of others in accordance with the strategic plan drawn up by the International Steering Committee for the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables.


In this year 2022, in which World Food Day dedicates its motto to “Leave NO ONE behind“, AIAM5 emphasizes that fruits and vegetables are essential foods to achieve food security and nutrition for all. The exploratory consultation launched by the Alliance in 2020, showed that only 2 countries of the 18 countries that reported consumption data would reach the minimum daily consumption of 400 grams or 5 daily servings between fruits and vegetables.

The institutional declaration of a WFVD would contribute, in addition to giving continuity to the IYFV, to:

  • Raise awareness about the benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables for people’s health.
  • Promote the role of the fruit and vegetable sector in the resilience and sustainability of food systems.
  • Contribute to the increase food literacy rates among the world population.
  • Promote healthier and more sustainable eating patterns and lifestyles.
  • Reduce losses and waste of fruits and vegetables.
  • Value the role of fruit and vegetables as an indicator to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Promote policies aimed at solving the current problems of world production of fruit and vegetables to meet global needs.

Access here to the Concept Note of the World Fruit and Vegetable Day


#DMFV2022 #WFVD2022 #NADIEsinFV #NOONEwithoutFV #FVparaTodos #FVforAll

All the information about this edition of World Fruit and Vegetable Day 2022 here:


New Zealand


  • A press release was sent out to media leads
  • More than 20.000 pieces of fruit will be delivered to school children by Caprabo/5aldia/AM FRESH
  • The fruit school (Mercamadrid/5aldia) will hold a special session in which a fresh fruit mural will be built by children
  • A social media challenge was launched to publish the WFVD2022 image and tag @5aldiaspain in all the Social Networks.
  • There will be participation the fruit and vegetable sector, the media, public entities and influencers to visibilise the WFVD2022
  • #DMFV2022 #NADIEsinFV  #FVparaTodos

Video https://www.5aldia.org/key/videoteca/dia-mundial-de-las-frutas-y-verduras-2022_12886_9_16973_0_1_in.html



We made a little video on twitter for the World Fruit and Vegetable Day



  • Actions were carried out in social media FB / IG


A post was published in Mirador Salud



– A scientific meeting was held with small farmers, owners of mini-industries that produce canned food, and researchers from the Center for Nutrition and Food Hygiene of Cuba. Experiences in food production abd healthy diet were exchanged. The World Fruit and Vegetable Day, Cuba membership of the Global Alliance for the Promotion of the Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables 5 a day and the importance of the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables in the prevention of diseases were highlighted. DrC. Yeneisy Lanyau Domíngue;  DrC. Consuelo Macias Matos and Lic. Isabel Martín Pérez 

– A drawing contest was held with the theme of World Fruit and Vegetable Day in which 20 children from three primary schools participated. The meaning of the day and the importance of the daily eating of fruits and vegetables were explained.