Warsaw Declaration
AIAM5 – Global Alliance to Promote Fruits and Vegetables Consumption “5 a day” – fully aware of challenges related to the current lifestyle causing disorders in social, diet and health areas, declares its active involvement in fighting diet related diseases, especially by promoting fruits and vegetables.
The representatives of AIAM5 coming from 20 countries, involved in Fruit and Vegetables information and promotion programs, met on September 18th of 2017 in the city of Warsaw in Poland, during the 7th AIAM5 General Assembly in the framework of the XIII International Congress on Promotion of Vegetables and Fruits,
- AIAM5 members support the International Year of Fruit and Vegetables initiative and will appeal their Ministries of Health and Agriculture to request PAHO and FAO to include this initiative in the Council and Assembly of the United Nations agendas. All this within the framework of the Global Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of NCDs 2013-2020, on which the consumption of F&V is one of its priority indicators.
- Member countries should follow the model used by El Salvador, Costa Rica, Chile and Peru, whose governments have approved national acts to commemorate the National F&V Day activities, this year in its 5th edition, and always aligned with the World Food Day theme.
- Socio-economic factors are challenge to reach WHO recommendation of consuming at least 5 portion of fruit and vegetables a day (minimum of 400 grams) as a reference level for a healthy diet.
- AIAM5 supports local F&V production, sustainable and familiar horticulture and processed fruit and vegetables, to enable consumers access to traditional and regional fruit and vegetables in a range of varieties.
- AIAM5 members recommend consumption of fresh F&V, although in some national contexts it could be an option to include low-process F&V with no added sugars and controlled in salt, in order to reach the recommendations in daily intake of F&V.
- Health policies promoting F&V consumption should be in line with national social-economic context.
- AIAM5 supports all promotional and informative initiatives aimed at increasing fruit and vegetable consumption by exchanging experience and good practices, in particular popularizing scheme such as 5 a day.
Varsovia, 19.09.2017
Declaración de Varsovia
AIAM5 – Alianza Global para la Promoción del consumo de Frutas y Hortalizas “5 al día” – plenamente consciente de los desafíos relacionados con los trastornos que los actuales estilos de vidas ocasionan en las áreas sociales, alimentarias y de la salud, declara su participación activa en la lucha contra las enfermedades relacionadas con la alimentación, especialmente a través de la promoción del consumo de frutas y verduras.
Los representantes de AIAM5 procedentes de 20 países, reunidos el 18 de septiembre de 2017 en la ciudad de Varsovia – Polonia, durante la 7ª Asamblea General de AIAM5 celebrada en el marco del XIII Congreso Internacional de Promoción de Verduras y Frutas,
- Los miembros de AIAM5 apoyan la iniciativa del Año Internacional de las Frutas y Verduras y propondrán a sus Ministerios de Salud y de Agricultura solicitar a la OPS y a FAO que prongan al Consejo y a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidad incluir esta iniciativa en sus respectivasagendas. Todo esto en el marco del Plan Global de Acción para la Prevención y Control de las Enfermedades Crónicas 2013 – 2020, donde el consumo de frutas y verduras es uno de sus indicadores prioritarios.
- Los miembros de AIAM5 deberían seguir el modelo usado por El Salvador, Costa Rica, Chile y Perú, cuyos gobiernos han aprobado decretos legislativos para conmemorar el Dia Nacional de las Frutas y Verduras, este año en su 5ª edición, y siempre alineado con el lema del Dia Mundial de la Alimentación.
- Los factores socioeconómicos constituyen un reto para alcanzar la recomendación de la OMS de consumir al menos 5 raciones entre frutas y verduras al día (mínimo de 400 gramos) como nivel de referencia para una dieta saludable.
- AIAM5 apoya la producción local y sostenible de frutas y verduras, así como la horticultura familiar y la transformación de frutas y hortalizas, para permitir a los consumidores el acceso a una gran variedad de productos tradicionales y regionales de frutas y hortalizas.
- Los miembros de AIAM5 recomiendan el consumo de frutas y verduras frescas, aunque en algunos contextos nacionales puede ser una opción incluir frutas y verduras mínimamente procesadas, sin azucares añadidos y controladas en su contenido de sal, para alcanzar la recomendación de consumo diario de frutas y verduras.
- Las políticas de salud para promover el consumo de frutas y verduras deben estar necesariamente alineadas con los condiciones socio económicas de cada país.
- AIAM5 apoya todas las iniciativas promocionales e informativas dirigidas a aumentar el consumo de frutas y verduras mediante el intercambio de experiencias y buenas prácticas, en particular promoviendo programas tales como 5 al día.
Warsaw – Declaration
In the name of the Polish Juice Producers Association (KUPS) we are glad to invite you to the XIII International Congress of Vegetable and Fruit Promotion, that is going to be held for the first time in Poland in the InterContinental hotel in Warszawa on September 19-20, 2017.
The main goal of the Congress is to provide participants with actual topics related to human nutrition, health promoting policy, production, international trade and the promotional programme of the ”5 a day” idea. The Congress is a platform for sharing knowledge, experience and ideas among experts in the field of nutrition, processing, trade and promotion, proven by expertise knowledge that can be offered by members of the AIAM5 international organization, who are going to arrive in Warszawa from ca. 30 countries from all over the world.
The International Congress is held annually, each time in a different country, and has been organized by such European countries as Hungary and Spain or Mexico and Colombia from Americas. It provides the opportunity to start relations with various countries and share knowledge and experience in the field of scientific research, programme implementation, information on promotion and consumption of vegetables and fruit and practical commercial and logistic solutions.
Thus, the possibility to participate in the Congress is something more than sharing knowledge and conclusions. We provide you with the ideal platform to meet people who can be unavailable on the day-to-day basis as a result of such reasons like geographical limitations. Our panelists shall present their knowledge and contacts to you, both during their lectures and informal talks. Among guests we can expect representatives of the most important institutions and over 30 countries.
Polish Association of Juice Producers (KUPS)
AIAM5 – Global Alliance for the promotion of fruit and vegetable consumption “5 a day”
Official Webpage of the Congress