Happy babies and toddlers need the right nutrition for growth and development.
This brochure will help you introduce the colourful world of fresh fruit and vegetables to your baby and toddler, setting them up for future healthy habits.
Introducing a variety of fruit and vegetables from an early age encourages babies to learn about and enjoy different tastes and textures. By the time your child is four years old they should be enjoying at least four servings of fruit and vegetables each day.
Fruit & Vegetables in Schools (FIS) is a government-funded initiative that provides daily fresh fruit and vegetables to children in low-decile schools. The initiative was piloted in 25 schools in 2004 and grown to reach:
21 regions across New Zealand
553 schools (around 25% of NZ primary schools)
123,000 children and staff
25,000,000 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every year
The 5+ A Day Charitable Trust supports FIS by providing curriculum-linked resources that support learning with a selection of engaging eBooks and accompanying interactive activities in the areas of germination, composting, physical activity and eating seasonally.
Criteria for schools to join FIS:
Decile 1 or 2
Years 1-8 students
Practical tips to make it easy to have 5+ servings a day every day.
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