According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs), they kill 40 million people each year, which is equivalent to 70% of the deaths that occur in the world. In Honduras, approx. 22 thousand people die per year due to NCD, which are mostly due to obesity and malnutrition. In the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (DPAS) developed by WHO and FAO, it recommends as a population objective the intake of a minimum of 400 g of fruits and vegetables per day (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers).
The daily consumption in Honduras ranges from 180 grams of fruits and 130 grams of vegetables. At present in our country, there are no policies, strategies or action plan to reduce unhealthy diets and / or promote healthy diets.
In 2016, Bridge of Peace joins the movement as full partner creating the Program 5 al día Honduras. Main aim was to develop activities to promote the consuption of 5 daily portions of fresh fruits and vegetables, and spread “More fruits and vegetable, the best choice for your health“ in order to increase the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables of the Honduran population to raise the level of nutritional health. This are some of the activities of the Action Plan 2017-2018 that 5 al día Honduras is performing:
1. Creation of alliances with International Organizations, Public or Private Administrations, Representative Associations with the purpose of creating the Association 5 al día Honduras dedicated to execute projects of promotion and consumption of fruits and vegetables.
2. Participation in local or national fairs that are aligned with our objectives, to spread our message.
3. Use of the media: TV, radio, newspapers or press, social networks, web page to publicize and spread our message.
4. Execution of the Project "Construyendo Mi Jardín, un Huerto Orgánico" in the community of Guanaja, as a pilot project and that has the purpose of creating organic gardens for the accessibility of fruits and vegetables in communities where food is not available.
5. Achieve the approval of the National Day of Fruits and Vegetables in Honduras. Results Alliances have been achieved with international organizations, educational institutions, representative associations of the agricultural sector. Participation in Fairs and Celebrations of the World Day of Fruits and Vegetables. Dissemination of 5 a day Honduras in national newspapers, web page and social networks. Alliance with the German organization Shuttzengel für Honduras Kinder e. V. as a cooperative partner for the Project " Construyendo Mi Jardín, un Huerto Orgánico " and through which the approval of the project in the Community of Guanaja has been achieved.
Bridge of Peace, Inc.
Condominios Metrópolis, Blvd. Suyapa, N° 20703
Office: (504) 89667485
Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @5aldiahn